
Swimming is an all-year-round sport. Come rain or shine, we can all enjoy swimming.

Children especially don’t mind what time of the year it is. They’re excited for pool time whether it’s summer or winter. The pool water and air temperature are the same during summer and winter too.

Yes, it might sometimes be harder to get out of the house during the colder months, but when your little ones get into the pool they really do enjoy and appreciate the warm water. The warm air poolside can also be appreciated by parents watching the lessons.  

Keeping up with swimming lessons in the winter will keep your child’s confidence up when they head into the pool once the summer months arrive. Until swimming becomes second nature to your child, it’s vital they continue practicing so they can develop their skills. Continuing the swimming lessons will certainly be worth it once they develop this vital life skill and become happy and confident in the water.

Did you know that regular exercise that your children will get in the colder months will help them build up their immune system’s strength and keep them fitter? In fact, consistent swimming throughout the year actually helps young children build a stronger immune system so they can fight off viruses.

Here are a few tips to make your little one’s swimming time more comfortable during the winter season:

1️⃣ Don’t rush after swimming lessons. Give your little ones a warm shower and take your time to get them changed so their body can cool down. 

2️⃣ It’s a good idea to dry your child’s hair before you leave. This will protect them from feeling uncomfortably cold and associating swimming with a negative feeling.

3️⃣ Put a hat on your child when heading home even if their hair has been dried. Make sure the hat covers their ears too.

4️⃣ Ensure your child wears a coat and socks, plus extra items like scarves, gloves, and hats even if it’s just a short walk to the car. The car will be cold when they get in so it’s a good idea if they’re already warm. You don’t want them to sit on cold car seats without a coat.

Think about it this way. Do you stop showering or bathing your children during the winter months?

I’m sure (and hope) the answer is no. 

You probably don’t completely avoid water during the winter months, so why should going into a swimming pool be any different?

Our swimmers are our priority and maintaining a steady body temperature keeps our children comfortable so they can focus on having fun and learning. Our pools are lovely and warm all year round.

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